I am feeling led to practice this prayer again. Enjoy!
Gently become aware of your body and your interior state.
Welcome, welcome, welcome.
I welcome everything that comes to me in this moment
Because I know it is for my healing.
I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions, persons, situations and conditions.
I let go of my desire for security.
I let go of my desire for approval.
I let go of my desire for control.
I let go of my desire to change any situation, condition, person, or myself.
I open to the love and presence of God and the healing action and grace within.
Welcoming Prayer, p. 12
The welcoming prayer is a practice of ‘letting go’ in the present moment,
in the ordinary routines of daily life.
It is prayer because of our intention and consent
to God’s presence and action in our lives.
Welcoming Prayer, p. 8
“the ordinary events of daily life become our practice…
The routine of daily life is a path to holiness…
Contemplative prayer is aimed at
transforming daily life with its never-ending
round of ordinary activities.”
Father Thomas Keating, Open Mind Open Heart, p.125
Welcoming Prayer, p. 11
“Over time through a series of unmet needs we exaggerate unconscious programs for happiness, known as ‘energy centers’: security/survival, affection/esteem, power/control. These unmet needs combine to motivate the false-self system…if you work at dismantling the energy centers that cause the upsetting emotions, your efforts will extend the good effects of centering prayer into every aspect of daily life.
Father Thomas Keating, Open Mind Open Heart, p.125
The faithful practice of both centering prayer and the welcoming prayer is the one-two punch that helps me to embrace God in every moment – in every event.
Cathy McCarthy, Welcoming Prayer, p. 18
“Gently become aware of your body and your interior state”…”feel it! Don’t think about it – feel it your body. Remember, your head is a part of your body.”
Welcoming Prayer, p. 20
“Welcome”…”What I ‘welcome’ in the welcoming prayer practice is not the feeling, emotion thought or body sensation, but God’s activity in them.”
Therese Saulnier, Welcoming Prayer, p. 26
“I let go…” Inevitably I find that one of these energy centers is robbing me of the peace of Christ and just by naming them I discover what it is.
”I open to the love and presence of God and the healing action and grace within…” This is a faithful action or faith-filled action. Another act of letting go and trusting God to heal you and love you, maybe in ways you would never expect.
Source: Contemplative Outreach
Link: READ MOREhttps://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/category/category/welcoming-prayer
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