101 Spiritual Transformation Words and Phrases (Enjoy):
1. Paradox
2. Honesty (Pr 12.17)
3. Letting go (Col. 3.8)
4. Prayer (Mt 6.9)
5. Awareness
6. Presence
7. Powerless (Ro. 8.3)
8. Trust (Ro. 9.33)
9. Openness
10. Forgiveness (Mt 6.14)
11. Poverty (Mt. 5.3)
12. Affirming
13. Service (Gal. 5.13)
14. Stillness (Ps. 46.10)
15. Being centered
16. Silence (Ecc. 3.7)
17. Patience and all of the rest of the Fruits of the Spirit! (Gal 5:22)
18. Love, love, love (1. Cor. 13)
19. Love yourself, God and Others (Luke 10.27)
20. Nurture
21. Rest (Deut 33.12)
22. Heart (Pr. 3.5)
23. Obey (John 14.23)
24. Faith (Ro. 1.17)
25. Float
26. Process
27. Mercy (Jas 2.13)
28. Freedom (2 Co. 3.17)
29. Mystery (Eph 5.32)
30. Worship (John 4.24)
31. Follow (Mt. 4.19)
32. Reality
33. Humanness (Heb 2.14)
34. Responsibility
35. Asking for help (1 Sa. 7.12)
36. Accepting help (Jn. 1.16)
37. Focus on what needs to be changed in me, not in the world (Mt. 23.26)
38. Listening (1 Sa. 3.9)
39. Tasting (Ps. 34.8)
40. Seeing (Ps. 34.8)
41. Childlike (Lk. 10.21)
42. Sabbath (Ex. 20.8)
43. Deliverance (Ro. 11.26)
44. Simplicity (Pr. 8.5)
45. Seek the Kingdom first (Mt.6.33)
46. Life (Jn. 1.4)
47. Death (Jn. 12.23-28)
48. and Resurrection (Jn. 12.23-28)
49. Experience
50. Inner Journey
51. Generosity (2 Co. 8.7)
52. Suffering (1. Pe 4.1)
53. Wholeness (Eph 4.13)
54. Miracles (1. Co 12.10)
55. Justice (Ps. 33.5)
56. Emptiness (Phil. 2)
57. Dialogue
58. Humility (Eph. 4.2)
59. Contemplation
60. Risk
61. Acceptance
62. Healthy detachment
63. Breath
64. Discernment
65. Self-surrender (Lk. 9.23)
66. Wisdom (Pr. 11.30)
67. Community
68. The Body of Christ (1. Co. 12.13)
69. Live by the Spirit (Gal. 5.22)
70. Letting go of our egos
71. Co-creation
72. Co-operation
73. “Circles not pyramids”
74. Truth
75. Journey (not the band)
76. Healthy dependence
77. Trinity (Mt. 28.19)
78. Invitation (Mt. 4.19)
79. Desire
80. Hope (Heb. 11.1)
81. Letting go of the past (Is. 43.18)
82. Letting go of the future
83. Living in the “Now”
84. Subtraction before addition
85. Spaciousness
86. Tears
87. Laughter
88. Joy (Jn. 15.11)
89. Transparency
90. Mess
91. Deep calling unto deep (Ps 42.7)
92. Practice
93. Grace (2 Pe. 3.18)
94. Nothing
95. A blank slate
96. Desert (Mk 1.13)
97. Darkness
98. Light (Jn. 3.19)
99. Eternal (Jn. 3.16)
100. Vulnerable
101. Jesus (1 Jn. 2.6)
If you have any other transformational words or verses, let me know. Thanks.