This quote may seem a little harsh. I provide it here not to make anyone feel guilty. Seriously - don't go there. It's simply a reminder to myself and because I feel particularly challenged these last few weeks to upgrade my prayer life, specifically concentrating more on Presence in all circumstances. I am so addicted to thinking!
Here's a challenging gem from Henri Nouwen via Christine Sine*:
My main problem is that I have not really made prayer my priority. … much of what I am doing is motivated by many other concerns: getting back in shape, learning some manual skills, knowing more about birds and trees, getting to know interesting people… and picking up many ideas and experiences for future teaching. But if prayer were my only concern, all these other laudable things could be received as free gifts. Now, however, I am obsessed by these desires which are false, not in themselves but by their being in the wrong place in the heirarchy. (p42)
*Photo: Rod Janz